Violence at Party
Ted D reports on a party that some say got out of control.
A family party took a violent turn, with the family saying the police went too far and the police saying the family did. FOX25's Ted D reports .
Ted D reports on a party that some say got out of control.
A family party took a violent turn, with the family saying the police went too far and the police saying the family did. FOX25's Ted D reports .
This is the kind of call that happens around here, during this call the officers were outnumbered by at least 4-5 drunken brawling partygoers on each one cop on scene
(note the urgency of the radio call to dispatch and the dispatchers response) I shudder to think what this call would have been like if the budget crisis had have made us lose 25 officers.
And not for nothing, but when your "baby shower" consists of over 100 drunken partygoers still going strong and fighting outside at 2 o'clock in the morning. Theres a problem. If you are still actively fighting outside when the cops show up, theres a problem, if it takes over an hour to finally have the call resolved, theres a problem.
And of course now their planning to sue the department.